Why Am I Tired All the Time?

Do you know what role sleep plays in your body’s overall health? Do you know why getting a good night’s sleep is so important?


Everyone who has a good night sleep wakes up feeling refreshed and energized. You can say that sleep recharges your batteries. But that doesn’t mean your body is not working when we sleep. Far from it! Your body is very busy repairing, regenerating and working when we go into R.E.M. sleep. R.E.M. stands for Rapid Eye Movement. That is the stage of sleep when you dream and the repair work begins.

Sleep is a vital function that gives your body downtime to repair cells, tissues and organs. One of the most important organs that gets cleaned and repaired while we sleep is your brain. Sleep is important for storing memories. Lack of sleep can impair your reasoning, slow your problem-solving ability, limit your attention to details and suppress your immune system.

Cerebrospinal Fluid
Cerebrospinal fluid (blue) flows through the brain and clears out toxins through a series of channels that expand during sleep.

Scientists have reported that the cerebrospinal fluid and the Lymphatic system can remove toxic proteins called beta-amyloid from the brain. Beta-amyloid are known for their accumulation of this toxic protein in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Research has shown that brain levels of beat-amyloids decrease during good sleep.

So what can you do to get good sleep? Start with a good routine. Get in bed and go to sleep the same time every night. Get at least 6-8 hours of restful sleep nightly. Avoid all artificial lit screens, like TV, cell phones or iPads, right before you go to sleep.

Watch this video about PROPER SLEEP positioning. This will help your body be more relaxed and supported so you can get a better night sleep.

Employ these tips and get better sleep. Your body and brain will thank you.